Project Overview

NTH was retained by the Lansing Board of Water and Light (BWL) to prepare an air use permit to install application for a new Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant comprised of two natural gas-fired combustion turbines equipped with heat recovery steam generators, condensing steam turbines with associated cooling tower. The plant is located in the historical REO Town and was considered to be adjacent to the existing Eckert and Moores Park Station in Lansing, Michigan. The CHP plant operates on natural gas exclusively and will replace four coal-fired stroker boilers and steam capacity supplied from Moores Park.

Project Scope

NTH developed an air use permit application for the installation of the CHP Plant and the decommissioning of the Moores Park boilers. The existing Eckert and Moores Park Station is a major source for criteria pollutants. As such, the project was subject to review under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) NSR regulations. NTH demonstrated through a netting analysis that the project would not result in a “net increase” of pollutants, and therefore was not subject to further PSD requirements. To complete the permit application, NTH conducted a dispersion modeling analysis for all expected pollutants for comparison to the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS), PSD Class II increments, and toxic air containment screening levels per Michigan Air Toxics Rule.

NTH actively participated in all interactions with the MDEQ to ensure timely issuance of a permit allowing for maximum operating flexibility.

Ongoing Activities

The BWL CHP Plant received an air permit in December 2010. NTH provided BWL support in completing two minor modifications to the approved permit, issued in August 2011 and March 2013, as well as providing appropriate forms in support of the facility Acid Rain and CSAPR Permits. The facility commenced operation July of 2013.

After startup, NTH performed an extensive performance testing program for the new equipment and evaluated results against air permit limits.

Client Benefit

NTH was integral in keeping the project on an expedited permit review schedule. Due to our expertise in air permitting and accessibility to the DEQ, a final air permit was issued less than 5 months after submittal.